Where Next for International Relocations?

2021 was another challenging year for global relocations. However the new Expat Explorer survey results show that people are feeling more optimistic about the next 12 months. The survey found that:

  • 65% of expats are feeling optimistic about the year ahead.
  • 75% of expats are optimistic ‘normality’ will return.
  • At 71%, Asia ranked as the highest region for optimism about the year ahead.
  • 4 out of 5 expats say they will continue living in their host country for the next year at least.

It’s interesting to note the reasons for moving to a new country – and how these have changed since the pandemic affected our industry in 2020 and 2021. In the last two years, the top reasons that created an international relocation were:

  • Economy and job opportunities – 31%
  • Experience of a new culture – 25%
  • Better lifestyle/standard of living – 23%
  • Education or training – 23%

The research shows that whilst the reasons have remained consistent, priorities have changed as participants look towards the next 12 months. (Seven Seas Worldwide). Participants stated that their reasons for a prospective move are:

  • Better lifestyle/standard of living – 29%
  • Economy and job opportunities – 24%
  • No main factors – 18%
  • Experience of a new culture – 16%

If lifestyle and job opportunities are important incentives to potential international assignees, which countries would be most attractive? Part of the new Expat Explorer research lists global destinations according to ‘living’ and ’aspiring’ rank. The 2021 league table results are:


  1. Switzerland
  2. New Zealand
  3. Spain
  4. Australia
  5. Cyprus


  1. Switzerland
  2. Jersey
  3. Qatar
  4. United Arab Emirates
  5. Australia

Switzerland and Australia seem to offer the best combination to assignees, however understanding what motivates people to consider global relocation is important when managing international talent mobility. With businesses predicted to be more people-centric with permanent hybrid and home-based working (HR Grapevine) international assignments have a greater opportunity to be flexible and creative in 2022.

“We work with people who are relocating all over the world – literally,” says Louise Chilcott, Business development executive at BTR International. “Whilst people’s motivation and requirements may vary, we manage all relocations with the same attention to detail, proactive communication and excellent customer service.”

Are you thinking of relocating to a new country?

Do you manage internal assignments for your organisation?

Contact the friendly team at BTR International. We’re here to help.

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