Amazing Australia!

When we think of Australia, images of scenic landscapes, culture and outdoor living spring to mind. The country is consistently popular amongst assignees. What else is drawing them to Oz and is there anything to be wary of when moving there?


Five key characteristics of life in Australia:

1. Quality of Life

It’s no surprise that this is a key strength for Australia. With a relatively small population, plenty of fresh air and beautiful unspoilt scenery, if you love a laid-back lifestyle, Australia is for you. Plus, Australia has one of the lowest air pollution levels in the world.

2. Cost of Living

City living in Australia is expensive, however this is offset by comparatively high salaries.

3. Healthcare

Australia has one of the most efficient healthcare systems in the world. Medicare provides basic health cover for all Australians and there is a private healthcare system as well (although this can be expensive).

4. Wellbeing

A particular strength of Australia is the opportunity for physical and mental wellbeing it offers. In HSBC’s Expat Explorer Survey of March 2020, Australia achieved fourth position out of 40 countries in this category. The survey results for the country were:

  • Overall – 8th
  • Living – 6th
  • Aspiring (career) – 9th
  • Mindset – 5th

5. Business

The Australian business culture is friendly, open and succinct. The economy is strong and competitive. Combined with a transparent legal system, it’s particularly useful as a base for businesses working with the Asia-Pacific market.

“We help people to relocate all over the world and Australia is a consistently popular destination,” says Sarah Huntridge of BTR International. “This means that we have lots of relevant experience to offer assignees and their organisations when moving to/from Australia.”

Does your organisation operate in Australia?

Perhaps you are thinking of relocating there?

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