The importance of total experience

Customer and employee experience must be combined to drive competitive advantage. We explore how.


Is your business delivering a great employee experience and a great customer experience? If your answer’s yes, then it’s likely your organisation is doing a lot of things right. However, if your customer experience and employee strategies are separate, rather than combined, then it’s time to integrate them to drive further success. 

What does integrating them looking like? Well, to dip into a bit of corporate jargon briefly, it means embracing a total experience (TX) strategy that connects customer experience and employee experience under one roof. 

The result? Employees are engaged, happy, and equipped with the tools and knowledge they need to provide exceptional service, directly impacting customer satisfaction and loyalty. When employees feel valued and supported, they are more likely to go above and beyond in their roles, creating positive interactions and fostering strong customer relationships. This synergy between employee and customer experiences not only enhances overall operational efficiency but also drives long-term business success and competitive advantage.  

So, let’s look at why and how building a TX strategy is important. 

Talent search: The role of TX 

The COVID-19 pandemic may be in the rearview mirror, but its impact is still felt across the business world. It fundamentally changed many organisations, with a more remote, dispersed workforce resulting in customer-facing operations that are also more virtual and global than ever. This means the experiences of customers and employees have to be adapted to fit this new reality.

One significant benefit of a dispersed workforce is that businesses are more likely to hire talent on a global scale. However, businesses live or die by their reputation in this competitive environment. And, as companies become more remote, virtual, and distributed, a connected TX strategy is central to building a strong reputation that can help to attract and retain talent.

According to data from PwC, after just one bad experience, 32% of consumers will say goodbye to a brand they love. Customers are looking for speed, convenience, helpful employees, and friendly service, and the companies that are doing this best are utilising talent that promote these benefits.

As well as talent, technology is also critical for employees and customers. Especially for customer-facing employees, technology can be the difference between good and bad customer service. Therefore, it is integral that employee experience and customer experience are linked: arming staff with the right tools and tech, especially when they are working virtually, means they are more likely to deliver outstanding service. If their tech is clunky or complex, this level of service can’t be achieved.

People-first: How BTR addressed total experience

The goal of TX is to enhance the customer experience while also improving the business as a whole. Prioritising total experience will help to ask and answer questions about how user experience impacts the customers’ view of a brand. It will also help to identify ways of enhancing employee engagement and satisfaction, which, in turn, affects the type of service and experience delivered to customers.

At BTR, we pride ourselves on our customer-first solutions. To help our customers stay one step ahead of the competition and to make their people’s relocation experience as exciting and comfortable as possible, we have embraced a TX strategy. Here are three ways we’ve done it: 

Tearing down silos

A cohesive TX breaks down departmental walls. This includes integrating sales and operations and utilising technology that engages and connects all team members. This ultimately provides an integrated experience that is also engaging for customers, and customers and employees alike will be more satisfied when teams work well together. 

Branding the employee experience

Customers increasingly care about how organisations treat their people. So, it’s important to create a strong corporate culture with a people-first attitude that will improve both internal and external operations. Customers reward businesses that demonstrate a commitment to their people, while employees at people-first companies experience higher levels of satisfaction, boosting productivity. 

Human interaction and multi-network communication

Human interaction at work may look a little different now due to remote and hybrid working, but it remains key to a good experience. Seamless, multi-network communication drives satisfaction and loyalty, and companies that can provide this will gain loyal customers. Communication is also important for internal operations. The right solutions need to be in place to connect workers across geographical locations, which means having the right communication tools is critical.

Better relocation experiences: TX as a whole

The aim of TX is to provide an all-around exceptional experience to everyone who interacts with a brand, whether that’s partners, prospects, clients, or employees. At BTR, we don’t think of customer experience, multi-experience, and employee experience as silos. We know they’re critical pieces of the total experience puzzle.

This is reflected in our work with customers, where we deliver a passionate, bespoke, personal service with a unique level of expertise and resource. However, this is only possible by designing a connected customer experience right from the very first contact, and then throughout the entire customer journey. And, in turn, this is only possible by creating an internal culture that provides a great experience for our employees. 

Happy people, happy customers. 

Our fast-responding team of experts is on hand to answer any questions you might have about BTR’s complete, start-to-finish, customisable range of relocation services.